5 am in the yawning

And your feet are already numb. And the fleecing never stops. And your hands move away from the light. And every thief is a poet. And every darkness looks the same, every corner is a killzone. You colour me pavement and yes, they tapdance on my spleen.  And they promise and promise, yet the stuckness remains. And you wonder what the SQUIRREL is all about. And it´s about nothing. Behind the nothingness is brutal desire. For control. And the day is already night. And the demons are right there for the blaming. So the fleecing goes on.

(SGS, 2022)

don´t be an asshole

inside the knowledge of structure

hides the pools of deceit

inside the worn down defenses

the promise of a revolution

you can fool some of the people

some of the time

retribution is the award of the

asshole unhinged sentences

drip from the lairs of Themis

you will step on the vile viles

you impress upon others

shrink down to natural size

eat the horrors of your design

less than a human being

is what history can offer now

(SGS, 2022)